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How to Apply For LMPC Certificate | LMPC Certificate Online | LMPC Certification


Legal metrology packaged commodities (LMPC) – a requirement which is mandatory and provides a level-playing field for all or some manufacturers or importers. The Customs Authorities are strictly implementing LMPC Regulations under section 19 of Legal Metrology Act 2009 in order to verify the accuracy of a product according to Indian Standards. Without LMPC registration by the Director, it is not possible to import any weight or measurement equipment. We feel that we need to explain - , how to obtain an LMPC certification.

A LMPC is required by Rule 11 in the Rules for Legal Metrology Packaged Products, 2011. This applies to any importer who prepackages the goods they intend to distribute or sell.

To better understand the concepts we'll start by defining legal metrology.

Legal metrology is the portion of metrology which deals with units of weights, measurements and methods of weights, measurement and weighing instruments in accordance to mandatory legal and technical requirements.

Implementing these legal and technical requirements has only one purpose: to identify whether or not any action is required to protect the animal/ public or commodities/ plants/ things.

In the following section, we'll discuss some of these exempted weights and measuring devices.

How to Measure Weights in a Non-Localized Area?

There are exemptions to the LMPC, even though it applies to all or some weight-and-measurement equipment. This is not the case on both sides of the road. LMPC certificate apply online are excluded from the provisions of this section.

  • Weighing and measuring devices used exclusively in the manufacture of weapons, ammunition or both.

  • Research or scientific investigations.

  • Weighing and measuring devices are manufactured exclusively for export.

If you manufacture the weight-and-measuring equipment mentioned above, you will not need an LMPC certification. It is possible that there are other regulations and rules applicable to this equipment. If so, you should contact us right away to find out.

Let's sneak a peek at which products need an LMPC certification before moving on to the next section.

Let's now move onto - legal metrology.

What are the functions of legal metrology?

The legal metrology body is the Act on Legal Metrology, 2009 which has the authority to regulate the Inter-State Trade and Commerce of Weight and Measures including pre-packaged goods.

We all depend on precise and measurements. From measuring ourselves to weighing things when we buy something,

In order to create a more harmonious and trusting environment, the system of legal metrology was established.

  • The growth of an economy is aided by increasing the revenues of different sectors.

  • Reduce revenue losses across various industries, including coal, rail, mining, oil, and other industries.

  • Reduce the waste and loss of infrastructure.

Public interest requires that the functions of legal metrology, which increase or reduce the revenues/losses in different sectors is performed.

Before we move on to the online LMPC certification, let's take a closer look at the necessary declarations for every package.

Which declarations must be made on every package?

According to the legal metrology rules for packaged commodities, 2011, there are some declarations which need to made on each package. Here are some of these:

  • Manufacturer/ Importer/ Packer: Name and Address

  • The country of origin for imported products.

  • On the packaging, you will find both the Common name and the generic name of your product.

  • Retail sale price, expressed as Market Retail Price inclusive of taxes.

  • The net quantity is expressed in the standard weight or measure's unit of measurement.

  • Customer care details.

  • The packaging of 19 products must conform to the size prescribed.

You will be one step closer to obtaining a LMPC Certification once you have made these declarations. However, depending on the type of LMPC Certificate, there may be additional declarations required.

To better understand the different types of LMPC certificates, let's take a closer look at them.

What are the different types of LMPC certificates?

LMPC has been divided into two main categories: certificate for weighing and measuring (W&M), and certificate non-weighting and measuring instruments.

1. Weighing and Measuring Instruments

  1. Model approval for Indian W&M Instruments

Section 22, states that each instrument of weight or measurement must comply with standards set by Indian Legal Metrology Department. Each product, after conforming to standards, must be approved as a model before it can be sold or distributed in India.

  1. Manufacturer's license

According to rule 27 of the Legal Metrology Packaged Products Rules, 2011, each person, Hindu Undivided Family Business, company, corporation or society that is involved in the pre-packaging of instruments for sale, distribution, or delivery must register with the Director or Controller.

  1. Registration of Packer

A person who prepackages instruments must be registered under Rule 27, of Legal Metrology Packaged Products Rules 2011,. The rules also require that they make mandatory declarations, as per Rule 6.

  1. Registration of importers for weights and measures

To ensure accuracy, a company that imports weight and measurement instruments must register with the LMPC Director. In addition, certain mandatory declarations are required, such as the name or common form of a country's origin.

  1. Approval of imported models

Section 22 of the Legal Metrology Act 2009 states that all weights and measures must meet Indian standards (which will then be tested) prior to import. All instruments will then need to be LMPC-registered before they can be sold and distributed in India.

2. Measurement Instruments Other Than Weight and Weighing

  1. Registration of the manufacturer or packer

A packer, or a manufacturer under Law on Legal Metrology certificate is a person who sells or distributes pre-packaged goods. He must also be registered in accordance with rule 27 of the Legal Metrology Rules 2011.

  1. Importer registration/ LMPC certificate

You must register if you import or export pre-packaged products under Rule 27 in the Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities Rule 2011. In India, it is mandatory to distribute/sell weight and measurement instruments.

Different types of certificates fall under LMPC. Therefore, there are different requirements for each instrument. A compliance consultant who is fully conversant with how to obtain an LMPC certification online, the required documents, as well as how to handle the authorities' requirements, can make the LMPC Registration comprehensive.

Why not contact - ASC Group a leading service provider of compliance services with over 8 years of experience to meet technical and regulatory requirements for LMPC Certification?

After discussing how to get an LMPC online certificate, the section after that will cover LMPC Certification for Import.

4 Easy Steps | How to Apply For LMPC Certificate

Refer to the steps below for a more detailed explanation.

  • A request will be made.

  • Product testing is conducted if your product falls within the scope of weights & measures.

  • After the document is submitted, the Legal Metrology Department will conduct follow-ups to ensure accuracy.

  • Imports are issued with a LMPC Certificate.

What We Can Do to Make LMPC Import Certificates Seamless?

  • Our LMPC specialists will give you complete details about the LMPC Certification process.

  • All the resources necessary to finish the paperwork are available at our disposal.

  • Our LMPC Consultants will spend their time and effort in coordinating the lab for regular follow ups.

  • We will keep you updated on the progress of your application to ensure that we are transparent.

  • To avoid problems, we will work with the customs officials to ensure that you are not inconvenienced.

  • To meet further demands, we work directly with the officials.

  • We are available to answer any questions you might have 24 hours a day.

As you can see from the above, LMPC certificate covers a wide range of topics. Any minor error could lead to the application being rejected. If you plan on importing your product, it is possible that you will face problems with customs.

You are in the right place, because with us you will not face any problems. We have the experience, expertise and resources necessary to meet the LMPC certification requirements. You can relax and take it easy with us because as soon as you call us our consultants will assist you, and we'll invest the time and effort to complete your certification.


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